Phone: (855) 426-4433, Fax: (903) 786-8211

Below, are general answer to some frequently asked questions. For more information on the District and the Rules, please, contact the District at (855) 426-4433.

​​Why was the District Formed?

  • In 2007, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) issued a report, which can be found here, designating thirteen counties in the North Texas area as a Priority Groundwater Management Area and recommended at least one groundwater conservation district be formed. This recommendation was considered by the State Office of Administrative Hearings after contestation by area water providers. The Administrative Law Judge ruled that a groundwater conservation district was required.

  • The North Texas Groundwater Conservation District was created by SB2497 in 2009 and has regulatory powers for groundwater in Collin, Cooke and Denton Counties

What Is An Exempt Well?

  • Exempt wells are wells that are exempt from metering, reporting production, paying production fees, and permitting requirements. For new wells, wells with a capacity of less than 17.36 gallons per minute are exempt. The District doesn't require a minimal tract size for the exemption requirements. If you are unsure whether your well is exempt, please contact the District staff, we can assist.

What Is A Non-Exempt Well?

  • A non-exempt well are any wells that do not meet the exemption.

What Is A Historic Use Permit?

  • A Historic Use Permit is a permit required by the District for a non-exempt well or well system that produced water during the Historic Use Period and that has not been abandoned.

What Is The Historic Use Period?

  • The Historic Use Period is from January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2018, in which water produced from a well or well system was put to beneficial use at any point during the duration of the period.

What Is A Production Permit?

  • A Production Permit is a permit required by the District for a new, non-exempt well.

What Is A Hydrogeological Report?

  • A Hydrogeological Report is a report required for new wells or well systems with a proposed aggregate production capacity of 200 gallons per minute or more. The Hydrogeological Report must meet all of the requirements outlined in the District’s Hydrogeological Report Requirements.

If My Well Is Non-Exempt, What Type Of Meter Do I Need To Install?

  • A mechanically driven, magnetic, or ultrasonic totalizing water meter is the only type of meter that may be installed on a well registered with the District unless an approval for another type of reliable meter or alternative measuring method is applied for and granted by the District. The totalizer must not be resettable by the registrant and must be capable of a maximum reading greater than the maximum expected annual pumpage. Battery operated registers must have a minimum five-year life expectancy and must be permanently hermetically sealed. Battery operated registers must visibly display the expiration date of the battery. All meters must meet the requirements for registration accuracy set forth in the American Water Works Association standards for cold-water meters.  New meters must be able to measure instantaneous flow rate of the groundwater produced from the well.

Are Agriculture Wells Exempt?

  • If the well is non-exempt, agricultural wells must be metered and the groundwater usage must be reported to the District monthly. However, agricultural wells are charged reduced production fee of $1 per acre foot.

Do I Have To Pay For The Groundwater I Pump?

  • Non-exempt wells are required to install meters on each well and report the amount of groundwater pumped each month to the District. Non-exempt wells, with the exception of agricultural wells, are required to pay a production fee in the amount of $0.10 per 1,000 gallons.  However, agricultural wells are charged reduced production fee of $1 per acre foot.

How Often Are Payments Required?

  • Please refer to billing page on our website.

Where Can I Find Information On My Well?

  • Information on wells can be obtained from your well driller or from the documentation from the sale of the property. You can also find information from the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality ( or the Texas Water Development Board (

Frequently Asked Questions